sushi #49

Basically, I want to rant so randomly right now!!!
I am listening to some random not so old music.. around year 2007. TVXQ mode! haha~
I am also checking out who are soompi bloggers.
I just noticed that almost 100% of the bloggers are talking about beauty. If you're going to ask me, I usually do not wear make up. I feel like I am a guy but at the same time, I am also a girl. Argh! I am torn between this nonsense things. It's so nonsense yet I'm ranting about it. kk~

Tomorrow is Saturday.. I have no review class but I have to review about Obstetrics and Pediatrics. I am going to pass, 'ayt? I already have this view in life since last year. I already set my mind on this. I can do it!! Chillax! Whew~ Oh, hopefully tomorrow, my co-admin Life will be here. We have so many things to talk about and she's going to do their thesis together with my friend. I'm so excited to see her again!!!

Oh yay~ I'm gotta check out the hotel where we'll stay on July 1-4..

Gotta sign off!!!



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